In Protech Ingeniería

What are Document Retention Schedules, and why are they important?

Document Retention Schedules (DRS) are a key tool for document management within a company. Their purpose is to establish retention periods for each type of document, thereby facilitating the classification, archiving, and disposal of information based on its value and life cycle.

Document Retention Schedules (DRS) help identify and classify documents, determining whether they should be kept long-term, archived temporarily, or destroyed once their useful life has ended. This process not only organizes and optimizes document filing, but also ensures compliance with legal regulations and simplifies information management within the company.

Benefits of Implementing Document Retention Schedules

Document Retention Schedules (DRS) are a crucial tool in file management that helps companies manage their documents efficiently and in accordance with applicable regulations.

By applying Document Retention Schedules, companies achieve clear and organized classification, which not only facilitates storage but also allows informed decisions about when a document should be retained, transferred, or eliminated. In this way, DRS contribute to improving workflow, optimizing file space usage, and ensuring the company meets the legal requirements for document preservation.

In summary, Document Retention Schedules stand out for:

Benefits of Document Retention Schedules:

  • Simplify information management.

  • Facilitate the orderly production of documents.

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    Improve document administration and review.

  • Regulate access and increase data security.

  • Ensure the preservation of documents based on their value and classification.

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    Implement integrated management of relevant information for the company.

Tablas de Retención Documental

Although document production is a routine activity in companies, it is essential to have protocols in place to prevent the slow-down of repetitive processes and avoid the long-term burden of document management. Regardless of the format, documents can take up increasing amounts of physical and digital storage space if not handled properly.

Document Retention Schedules (DRS) play a key role in this context, as they establish a clear order and retention period for each type of document. This allows for optimized use of space and improved accessibility, by either eliminating or archiving documents based on their value and relevance.

Why are DRS important?

Document Retention Schedules help to:

Optimize information retrieval by classifying documentation into specific periods, making it easier to locate and access documents quickly.
Control the growth of files, preventing unnecessary accumulation of documents and allowing for strategic space freeing.
Reduce storage costs by identifying obsolete documents for elimination, thus lowering the expenses associated with storage.
Define the duration and method for the preservation of confidential documents, ensuring their safekeeping.
Ensure that the company adheres to mandatory retention periods as stipulated by current laws.

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Optimize your Document Management and keep your information always under control!

Contact us today to learn how to efficiently implement Document Retention Schedules in your company.

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Legal Compliance of Document Retention Schedules

Document Retention Schedules (TRD) must be developed and applied in the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Tourism for the organization and management of both physical and electronic documents, in accordance with the guidelines set by the National Archives and the Document Valuation Schedules. This requires active participation from all members of each department.

The TRD allows companies to comply with various regulations and laws that govern the conservation, access, and disposition of documents based on their legal, fiscal, administrative, or historical value. Some of the main applicable laws and regulations in Colombia are:

1. Law 594 of 2000 (General Archives Law)

Regulates the management of public and private archives in Colombia, establishing guidelines for the organization, conservation, and disposal of documents. It defines TRD as key tools for organizing and classifying documents within entities.

2. Decree 1080 of 2015

This decree compiles regulatory provisions for the culture sector, including rules on archives and document conservation. It regulates key aspects regarding document retention periods and safe disposal.

3. Agreement 049 of 2000 (National Archives of Colombia)

Establishes the process for the implementation and approval of Document Retention Schedules within public entities. This agreement provides the methodology for evaluating the lifecycle of documents and their subsequent disposal.

4. Law 1581 of 2012 (Personal Data Protection Law)

Mandates organizations to retain and protect personal data, ensuring its proper disposal and eliminating documents once their retention period expires.

Sectorial regulations

TRDs assist businesses in complying with these laws and managing their documents efficiently, ensuring integrity, confidentiality, and availability in line with legal requirements.

The TRD help businesses comply with these laws and manage their documents efficiently, ensuring their integrity, confidentiality, and availability, in accordance with legal requirements.

¿Ready to optimize and secure your document management?

Tablas de Retención Documental

Contact us today for a free consultation and discover how our solutions in the design, updating, and implementation of Archival Instruments like Document Retention Schedules (TRD) can help you comply with regulations and enhance the efficiency of your business.

Contact us now for a free consultation!

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